
Pies, and more pies

Pies have always been interesting to me. I grew up in a household where everything was homemade. Store bought was not allowed and pies were no exception. However, I only thought that there was one type of pie --- raisin. It was not until we were served pie at a friend’s place that I realized pies came in all types of “flavors!"

That evening it was confirmed when my younger sister spoke up in disbelief, saying loudly “This is not pie, there are no raisins,” much to my mother’s embarrassment! We then started having a variety of fillings, although many were mixed with raisins.

I recently read an article on healthy foods that help lower blood pressure and bananas were listed because of their high potassium content. High potassium levels assist in relieving sodium so the benefit of eating bananas is that they help keep your salt levels down and lower blood pressure to boot.

Banana Cream Pie may not have been what the author of this health food article was intending but it worked for me! I recently received a “Hoosier Mama” pie cookbook and enjoy combining purposes, which also include something fun to shoot. I began by shooting bananas, which after shooting were repurposed into a pie. So here are a couple of photos for my portfolio of a healthy, tasty product, using a recent gift and fulfilling a work assignment.